Software > Alcyone Eclipse Calculator
Alcyone Eclipse Calculator 2.0 (AEC) calculates the local circumstances of all solar and lunar eclipses that occur(ed) in the time range between -1999 (2000 B.C) and AD 3000. The local circumstances are presented as eclipse maps and tables for a list of locations (see screenshots). Locations can be selected from an extendable location database with more than 2000 entries. In addition reports of local circumstances of successive solar or lunar eclipses at a specified location can be generated (see example).
Alcyone Eclipse Calculator can be used as a 'stand-alone application' or as an addition to Alcyone Ephemeris.
The calculation of the local circumstances of solar eclipses is based upon the data from the Five Millenium Canon of Solar Eclipses -1999 to 3000 (Fred Espenak, NASA's GSFC) with Besselian Elements provided by Jean Meuus. The calculation of the local circumstances of lunar eclipses is based upon the data from the Five Millenium Canon of Lunar Eclipses -1999 to 3000 (Fred Espenak, NASA's GSFC).
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Exporting maps for import into graphics applications is available as well as printing maps and tables (see example). Different world maps and maps of all continents are included. For the calculation of "historical" eclipses nine different formulas for the determination of DT (TD-UT) are provided.